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Education, Urban Forensics

GIS and Urban Law: A Follow-up

For those able to attend yesterday’s OpenStreetMap or “MY BROOKYLN” event, we hope both activities were useful and thought-provoking.  Now, we look forward to sharing the new details with everyone as a follow-up to both events!

If you were unable to attend, not to worry!  The notes and resources from OpenStreetMap are forthcoming.  We will also be provided with a copy of “My Brooklyn” – so stay tuned.

Second, we have additional Open Source GIS workshop opportunities ahead!  Details as follows:

Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science:  DIY Aerial Imaging and “Map Knitting”

With Liz Barry, from the Parsons GEOSPATIAL Design Lab.  This lab will be another excellent introduction into Open Source Geo communities.

Day 1:  Friday 9/28

Time:  10a – 4p

Location:  Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at Parsons The New School for Design (2 W 13th Street)

Day 2:  Saturday 9/29

Time:  9a – (Let’s confirm the end time with Liz)

Location:  Sheila C. Johnson Design Center at Parsons The New School for Design (2 W 13th Street)

More Information:  Parsons Workshops at SJDC and The Public Laboratory


#1.  We will be working with Quantum GIS (QGIS) as our Open Source GIS platform.  What we need to do next is download QGIS to our laptops – either a Mac or PC – by Friday 9/28.  After yesterday’s workshop, we have a few students leading the QGIS download (Caitlin for Mac and Shirley for PC).  Ask around if you encounter any difficulties in the download, and again, it is important the installation occurs before 9/28 in order to minimize technical difficulties during the workshop.

#2.  If you are able to attend Day 1, Day 2 – or both! – please let us know as we will provide Liz with an RSVP list.  Please RSVP with your replies here, or tell Sara in person during Monday’s studio.

#3.  For the moment, try to keep a space in your calendar for Thursday 10/4 as Liz may also dedicate a further Open Source GIS workshop for us as an individual studio, where she will teach us directly on how to the GIS software.


24 thoughts on “GIS and Urban Law: A Follow-up

  1. Charles Chawalko would like to attend, I have a PC. Although, I hope there are power outlets; right now, my battery does not take a charge and it’s been hard to find a replacement battery to come in. lol

    Posted by citybug7 | September 26, 2012, 12:52 pm
  2. Sara, I would like to attend Saturday! I have a mac. Thanks!

    Posted by katiekillpack | September 24, 2012, 12:03 am
  3. I hope that the majority signs up for these workshops, they will prove very useful.

    Posted by miguelroblesduran | September 23, 2012, 11:21 pm
  4. If the workshops are different I would like to RSVP for both days- can not stay though beyond 13.00. Hope that’s ok. (also a Mac user)
    Sara I am also interested to get some insights from Liz Barry, if possible, about how useful complementary software is GRASS Gis to Q.

    Posted by Themistoklis | September 23, 2012, 11:12 pm
    • Thanks, Themis! I will mark you down. I will let you know if the content of the days are different. Regardless, being present both days with Liz could be highly beneficial for the guided practice. Until 1p each day should be fine. I will also look into GRASS GIS to Q for you.

      Posted by Sara Bissen | September 24, 2012, 12:16 am
  5. I will be there on Friday, and I have a PC

    Posted by joelpstein | September 23, 2012, 7:47 pm
  6. I would like to attend Saturday, I have a Mac 🙂 thank you!

    Posted by sabrinadors | September 23, 2012, 7:35 pm
  7. Hi Sara, thank you for information. I would like to RSVP for Friday. I have PC.

    Posted by ekaterinalev | September 23, 2012, 5:34 pm
  8. Hi Sara,
    I’d like to RSVP as well, but would be interested to know if there is a distinction between Friday and Saturday or if they are intended to be sequential.
    I have a PC.
    Thank You

    Posted by Aubrey | September 23, 2012, 2:25 pm
  9. Hi Sara, i would like to RSVP for Friday please.I have a PC

    Posted by Luisa Munera | September 23, 2012, 10:15 am
  10. I would like to RSVP for Friday (I have a Mac).
    Is it a different one on Saturday, or the same?

    Posted by jolapalme | September 23, 2012, 9:05 am
    • Thanks Jonathan! I will mark you down for Friday. Good question, I will touch base with Liz today and I will see what the distinctions are between Day 1 & 2, plus – see if we have an available agenda. I will get back to you!

      Posted by Sara Bissen | September 23, 2012, 9:35 am
      • Thank you! Also: just tried to download the software, but it says that I need Mac OS X 10.6 or newer. What can I do about it? I don’t know if it means that my computer is too old, or that I need some update…

        Posted by jolapalme | September 23, 2012, 9:44 am
      • Hmm, I haven’t tried to download it on my Mac yet, and I am a few operating systems behind. Liz said the older versions shouldn’t pose a problem, but let’s check into this. I will try my computer today and then we can ask Liz what to do if QGIS is incompatible with our operating systems!

        Posted by Sara Bissen | September 23, 2012, 9:57 am
      • Jonathan, I had the same situation – but I made progress on finding a version for an older Mac OSX (mine is pre 10.6). I will let you know if it works!

        Posted by Sara Bissen | September 23, 2012, 7:17 pm
      • I found something that works. We need the old archived versions of QGIS that work for Leopard (I operate at 10.5.8). I know this appears suspicious, but I did it anyway. Go here: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:HgMunP7zayoJ:www.kyngchaos.com/software/archive. We need to download QGIS 1.7. But first, all the dependency frameworks need to be installed. These dependencies are: (GDAL 1.8, PROJ 4.7.0, GEOS 3.3.0, GSL 1.14, SQLite3 3.7, UnixImageIO 1.3.0, Python 2.5/2.6 (I did not need to install Python, so I doubt you will need to as well)). Once installed, you should be able to install QGIS 1.7. I have not used this program as of yet, but I am confirming it will be of use to us! Let me know of any questions in studio!

        Posted by Sara Bissen | September 23, 2012, 11:45 pm
  11. Also, in your RSVPs – indicate if you have a Mac or PC – so we can relay the breakdown to Liz!

    Posted by Sara Bissen | September 23, 2012, 1:50 am

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